Screw Thread Gauges

Limit Gauges For
Parallel Screw Threads Stock item
The limit gauges for screw threads are provided in the same class with the spec of screw thread products and consist of GO and NOT GO size as one pair.
In conventional JIS, it is classified into inspection and production use. In ISO based JIS, there is no such classification.

Standard Screw
Thread Gauges Stock item
A standard screw thread gauge is a pair of screw thread ring and plug gauges that fits perfectly.
The threaded elements are made extremely similar to the basic profile and size of the screw thread.

Limit Gauges for
Parallel Pipe Threads Stock item
Parallel pipe thread gauges are used for checking connection of fluid equipment, plumbing parts, pipes where pressure tight joint is not required on threads.

Gauges for Taper
Pipe Threads Stock item
Taper pipe thread gauges are used for checking threaded parts of fluid equipment, plumbing parts, pipes where pressure tight joint is required on threads.